Sunday, February 17, 2008

Countdown to the Big Move - II

End of January '08: Just few days remaining now and we have been packing at a feverish pace. Most of the stuff has been packed and set aside. Dan decides to pack the roof box. I will take a moment here to rave about the Yakima Space cadet. It has tremendous amount of capacity and probably more space than my car trunk!! That's the picture of my car taken from my basement window. Dan manages to pack in quite a bit of stuff into the roof box. That makes us hopeful - maybe we can after all fit all our belongings into the car.

My friend Shachi, who was my lab-neighbor in Stony Brook few years back, stopped by to say goodbye and help me pack. Shachi now works for Estee Lauder and brought a bunch of Estee Lauder goodies with. I will really miss hanging out with her - our meetings in the Malls and Starbucks (yes folks, that's all LI has to offer)!!

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